viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

                PRUSIA WINS THE WAR!
We have just received the new of the Franco-Prusian var.  and we are just told Prusia is victorious of this conflict.  The consecuences of the end of this war is the disolution of the 2 French Empire and Germany creating the German E This armed conflict has finished thanks to Germany crushing the French amy at the Battle of Sedan,  where Napoleon III vas captured and presented his surrender to the Geman amy.  Finally,  the Government of National Defense has signed the armistice that has ended the war.PRUSIA WINS THE WAR!
 We have just received the new of the Franco-Prusian var.  and we are just told Prusia is victorious of this conflict.  The consecuences of the end of this war is the disolution of the 2 French Empire and Germany creating the German E This armed conflict has finished thanks to Germany crushing the French amy at the Battle of Sedan,  where Napoleon III vas captured and presented his surrender to the Geman amy.  Finally,  the Government of National Defense has signed the armistice that has ended the war.

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